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M A I N – C H A R A C T E RS

+ Lukas
The heartless swordmaster.

“Wait, how did you do that again?”

  • Name: Lukas Skarlagen
  • Age: 22
  • Nationality: Norway
  • Appearance: Albino, height around 177cm.
  • Eyes: Sky-blue.
  • Description:

Lukas Skarlagen

A Norwegian who once lived in a village, whose heart is as cold as stone. He hates bantering and banters thrown by the Lord of Time to tease him. He is a perfectionist and carefree. He loves the color of red since it is the only thing that suits him.

Once he thought that he hated Luna at the first time they met. But afterward, he constantly cares of Luna, with the reason because of her age, but he himself never acknowledges it in public. Unlike his partner, Luna, he is good at sensing direction.

He uses a Buster Sword (or other weapons, but his weapon of choice is either sword or double-hand sword). He could do swordmanship very fine, and another personality in the past is a sadistic side, which could be aggressive in a time. This could be seen by his wide grin and sarcastic remarks.

+ Luna
The trickster.

“And there I thought he could at least be godly.”

  • Name: Luna Porta
  • Age: 16
  • Nationality: Portugal
  • Appearance: Brown-haired, height around 156cm
  • Eyes: Ocean-blue.
  • Description:

A friendly Portuguese who had a sharp sense on seeing the lies of people. She is friendly to strangers and seemed accustomed to use the internet and social media. She has a very bad sense of direction. She likes to tease Lukas even though she knows that he doesn’t like it.

She uses small knives to throw to the enemies. Could use fist for fighting, and quite tough. She usually is seen with a gladius hidden behind her skirt. She helped Lukas by being the phalanx / the guardian.

+ Vayne
The princely soldier.

“Didn’t you promise me to not foolishly risk yourself in that stupid battlefield?”

  • Name: Vayne Van Rjin
  • Age: 23
  • Nationality: Netherlands
  • Appearance: Blonde. Height around 182cm.
  • Eyes: Green
  • Description:

A Netherlander who constantly smirks every time Marie does something funny that piqued his interest. He acts arrogant and consumes daily supply of tobacco and caffeine, but sometimes the impression breaks apart if Marie makes fun of him.

His curiosity and high self-esteem pronounced him as one of the best new-generation leaders once back when he was in the normal timeline. Although in the timeline where he lived now, he was self ignorant and sadistic toward Marie. However, he is a really caring man in befitted situation.

His instinct for fighting and surviving that he had back in the past was never dull till now and always hit pass at the mark. He is a picky eater and constantly banters over who’s better with Marie.

He was once a soldier. He accustomed to use knife, bombs and guns. But his default weapon is his fist, since he thought that is when he is the strongest.

+ Marie
The hidden one.

“The only answer for why I am here is because it is inevitable.”

  • Name: Marie
  • Age: 20
  • Nationality: ??? (Unknown)
  • Appearance: Green. Height around 168cm.
  • Eyes: Golden
  • Description:

Her first introduction with Vayne by the Lord of Time is still unknown, but for some reason, Vayne is very comfortable to do jokes, banters, and even deep conversation with her. She loves to smile but for now, her mystery is still shredded in darkness.
She loves to chuckle and said, “Hara~” and acts like an oneechan for Luna. She constantly scolds Vayne because of his dependency of tobacco. She is kind and friendly, but she is not naive. Vayne acknowledged her as one of the most intelligent women he had ever known.
She told Vayne that she once trained and very highly skilled on using snipers and guns.

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